1-month Update

Hey Hi Hello friends! 

It's been just around a month since I released this test build and I've gotten a lot of interest so I've decided that at least once a month I'll update you guys on the development of Before! I won't take up too much time so please allow me to catch you up on what's been done so far!

  • We now have 2 out of the 5 backgrounds completed, I did there on stream so feel free to check out the VODs on twitch.
  • As of today, we have some of the minor GUI work done; Save/Load menu frames, Arrows for toggles, Choice menu art. The choice menu art may change soon. 
  • The game is sitting at 2k words total at the moment. I plan to write more over the weekend, as well as finish the outline. 
  • I plan on making a story board intro for the game. Full color, that will serve as the intro splash and the trailer. I would love to get help on it but atm I don't have the income to support that. 
  • I'm considering adding sprites of the following characters; Mommy, Daddy, Aman, Lorenzo, Ansovino, Jonael. I have no idea if I will but its fully contingent on my writing. 

That's all for this update! Thank you again for coming with me on this journey and stick around for more from me!


Before 1.6 PC 50 MB
65 days ago
Before 1.6 MAC 45 MB
65 days ago

Get Before - Test Build

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